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West Riverside County District ARES Script

Approximately 6:55 PM:

All stations on this frequency please standby, the weekly

West Riverside County District ARES net will begin in

approximately 5 minutes.”

This is (Call Sign) and the name is (your Name).

At 7:00 P.M.

“QST, QST, QST, this is the West Riverside County District

Amateur Radio Emergency Services net for Thursday, (today’s

Date). A clear frequency during the Net would be appreciated. Net

Control for tonight’s net is (Call Sign) and my name is (Name).

This Net is conducted using the Moreno Valley 440 repeater.

on a frequency of 449.300 -pl 103.5

The net is held every Thursday at 1900 hours except the first Thursday of the month to avoid conflict with the MVARA Club meetings.

Our monthly meetings are held at the Riverside Red Cross chapter,

6235 River Crest Drive in Riverside and also start at 1900 hours.

The purpose of this Net is for ARES members to check their

equipment and practice their involvement in a controlled Net. ARES

is composed of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered

their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in

public service when a disaster strikes. Every amateur, whether or

not a member of ARRL or any other local or national organization is

eligible for membership in ARES. The only qualification is an

amateur radio license and a desire to serve. New members can

register for the West or Northwest Riverside County ARES districts,

depending on your location at ARESDB.COM. You can also join by

clicking on the “Register with ARES” button on our website at


This a directed Net. Please direct all traffic through this station.

As part of our radio traffic etiquette, we are asking all members who check in

to the net to please also check-out of the net when you leave.

This is new and very important when participating in an emergency situation.

This net will cease and give way to any emergency or priority traffic. Is there

any emergency or priority traffic? If so, please come now.

Are there any announcements for this net? If so, please come now.

I’ll call for check-ins now. Please check-in when the first letter of the suffix in

your call-sign is announced.

We encourage all stations to stay through the entire net, but If must leave the

net early please indicate that you are doing a check-in and check-out early.

After the completion of check-ins, visitors will be invited to check in.

All stations please speak slowly and clearly so we can copy your information



Alpha – Bravo – Charlie

Delta – Echo – Foxtrot

Golf – Hotel – India

Juliet – Kilo – Lima

Mike – November – Oscar

Papa – Quebec – Romeo

Sierra – Tango – Uniform

Victor – Whisky – X-ray – Yankee – Zulu

Are there any late or missed members? If so, please come now.

Are there any visitors? If so, please come now, slowly, with your name, call

sign and city.

Is there any further traffic for the net? If so, please come now.

Since we have no further traffic for this net, we will now call for stations to

CHECK-OUT from the net.

Please check-out when the first letter of the suffix in your call-sign is


Run Check-outs (read list again)

Alpha – Bravo – Charlie

Delta – Echo – Foxtrot

Golf – Hotel – India

Juliet – Kilo – Lima

Mike – November – Oscar

Papa – Quebec – Romeo

Sierra – Tango – Uniform

Victor – Whisky – X-ray – Yankee – Zulu

We would like to thank the City of Moreno Valley  for the use of the 440  repeater during our net.

This Net is now concluded at (current time) and the frequency is clear and

returned to its normal operation.

73’s to all.

This is ( your Call) Clear